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Better Shoes at Better Price for
Our Kith and Kin

The idea was humbly simple: to provide better shoes at better price for our kith and kin. And so, we simply began by  producing a small batch of handcrafted leather sneakers with carefully and responsibly sourced materials in São João da Madeira.

With this simple idea and the help of our friends and family,  we set out on a journey to create our own brand called CAMFREYS.


Camfreys, a lifestyle footwear brand, aims to create shoes that make your sole [soul] feel “Comfy” and “Free” while unveiling the true innate characteristics and qualities of the natural materials we use. With this in mind, we strive to craft a pair that is premium, timeless, and quintessential for those who love nature, comfort, and effortless styles.

Our inspiration begins by touching carefully selected materials in our hands. We believe that each material has its own hidden narrative of untamed natural wilderness, waiting to be unveiled. Through our meticulous touch and treatment, we strive to reveal these hidden enigmatic stories, refining them to bring forth to their genuine innate characteristics and qualities. 

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We strongly believe that footwear is all about experience; we value how you feel when you put it on your feet. This value, delivering you a perfectly crafted pair of shoes, can only be achieved through embracing a holistic approach: understanding the true innate qualities and characteristics of the finest natural materials we select, scrupulous craftmanship and assiduous attention to detail throughout the entire design process.      

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