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At Camfreys, we take your privacy seriously. This policy explains how we handle the information we collect from you. Whether it's online through our websites or offline, like when you contact customer support or visit our stores, we want you to know what information we gather, how we use it, and how you can control it. Remember, this Privacy Policy is part of our overall Terms of Use. It's essential to read and agree to both. If you have any questions about how we handle privacy, feel free to reach out to us at By giving us your information, you're agreeing to our Terms of Use and allowing us to collect, use, and share your information as explained here.

1. Scope

​This Privacy Policy is about how Camfreys uses your personal information while we're doing business. It includes all the ways we interact with you, like on our website (like, in our mobile apps, through social media, blogs, our stores, and anything else we offer, whether it's online or offline. All of these are what we call our 'Services.


2. Information We Collect

a. We collect different kinds of personally identifiable information, either directly from you or from third parties, depending on your relationship with Camfreys and what the law requires. Below, we'll explain how we gather this information and what we do with it.

b. Camfreys gathers personal information from people who are currently using, might use, or have used our services. We collect this information from the following sources:

i. Information You Share: When you use our Services, talk to us directly, or do certain things like creating an account, making an order, or signing up for our emails, we might ask for details like your name, email, address, phone number, and payment info to complete purchases.

​ii. Communication: If you contact us for info, visit our stores, sign up for emails or texts, join promos or loyalty programs, we may collect your email, phone, or address. In some cases allowed by the law, we might also record customer service calls for training purposes.

​iii. Surveys and Reviews: We might reach out (or have others reach out for us) to ask you to take part in surveys, test new things, or give reviews. Your participation and the info you share is voluntary. We use this data to improve our products or Services, staying in line with this Privacy Policy.

iv. Contests: If we have a contest, we might ask for your contact info or other personal details. We'll use this to get in touch about the contest and, where allowed, for promotions. Depending on your local laws, you might get the chance to opt-out of non-prize-related messages.

​v. Public Posts: Sometimes, we might have public blogs, social media pages, or product review sections. Just a heads up, anything you share in these public places won't be as private as info covered by this Privacy Policy.

​vi. Info from Others: We might get information about you from other places, like third-party services or companies. This helps us add to the details you've given, letting us give you more info about our business and what we offer.

vii. Automatic Data Collection: Sometimes, we gather certain details automatically when you use our Services or through technical methods. This includes things like your IP address, cookies, device identifiers, the type of browser you use, where you are, what you looked at before and after using our Services, and what you do while using them (like what pages you visit or how long you stay on them).

c. If you visit our stores, we might collect personal info there too, and connect it to the info we gather online or through emails and marketing stuff.


3. How We Use Your Information

​a. By giving us your info, we can do a bunch of things for our business:

​i. Give You What You Want: We use your info to provide the stuff you ask for, like products, info, or Services. ii. Respond and Communicate: Answer your questions, give you access to certain parts of our Services, personalize product suggestions, talk to you about deliveries, and ship stuff. iii. Improve and Research: Do our own research to make things better. iv. Support: Help you out with any customer support requests. v. Registration: Let you sign up for online profiles or events, whether they're in-person or in our stores.

b. We use your personal info for administrative reasons, like:

i. Checking interest in what we offer and making new stuff. ii. Making sure everything meets our quality standards. iii. Sending emails or texts to the contact details you give us, like verifying your account, managing it, giving customer service, updating about deliveries, or doing maintenance. iv. Handling payments for what you buy or services you use. v. Dealing with applications and transactions. vi. Keeping an eye out for anything that might be against the rules or the law. vii. Running and managing our Services. viii. Making sure everyone follows our Terms of Service.

​c. We might use your info for marketing, like:

i. Telling you about offers, products, and Services you might like, including notifying you if something you wanted is back in stock. ii. Using your info for other reasons we told you about when you shared your personal info. iii. If we want to use your info in a different way for marketing, we'll ask for your permission first. And remember, you can always contact us to say you don't want us to use your info for marketing.

​d. Research & Development:

i. We might use your personal info by itself or combined with info from other places to make our current products better or create new ones. Occasionally, we run surveys (online or offline) to learn more about what people need and how good our products and services are. These surveys are optional, and the info helps us understand your needs and how well we're doing. The answers also help us see if our Services, ads, or promotions are working. If you join a survey, your info will be grouped with others who participated for analysis.

​e. Direct Mail, Email and Outbound Telemarketing.

i. If you share your info with us or we get it from other sources, you might get emails, newsletters, texts, or calls about our products, services, or special offers/events. You can choose not to get these messages without any charge by following the instructions in Section 6.

​f. Anonymous and Aggregated Information.

i. We might use your personal info along with other details to create anonymous and grouped information. This kind of info doesn't identify individuals and could be things like general demographics or how people use our Services. We use this info to see what parts of our Services are popular. It's not personal info, and we use it for things like research, analysis, and sharing with others in a way that keeps everyone's identity private.

​g. Shared Content.

i. Sometimes, we might have ways for you to share or send content to a friend, like emailing them an invite to use our Services or buy something from us.

​h. Other.

i. We might use your personal info for things like protecting against fraud, following legal rules, or other reasons we told you about when you shared your info or with your permission.


4. Cookies, Pixels, and Similar Technologies

​We and other third parties use small files called cookies, pixel tags, and local storage when you use our Services. These help us gather info when you visit or use our website, apps, or tools and recognize you across devices.

​Here's what we use them for: i. Operational: Necessary to make our Services work, like letting you access our site, detecting unusual activity, or helping with security measures and features like shopping carts. ii. Performance: Helps us understand how people use our Services, whether you've seen certain things or clicked on items, so we can improve what we offer. iii. Functionality: Enhances your experience, like recognizing you when you log in or remembering your preferences and past views. iv. Advertising: Shows you ads that might interest you, both on our site and other places. It helps us see if the ads we show are useful to you. We might use third-party tools to target similar people to our customers or use pixels from other sites. Even if you block cookies, you might still see ads through these third-party channels.

​If you want to opt-out of these Technologies, you can usually do that in your browser or device settings. But keep in mind, doing this might affect how well our Services work and some features might not be available. You can find more about opting out in Section 6.


5. How We Share Your Information

​a. Vendors and Service Providers: We share info with companies that help us do things like fulfill orders, manage our website, process payments, provide analytics, and offer customer service. These companies have contracts with us that limit how they can use or share your info.

​b. Business Partners: Sometimes, we share info with our partners to offer you products or services jointly or ones we think you might like. Their name will be shown along with ours.

​c. Marketing: We might let advertising partners track your activities on our site to show you ads that might interest you elsewhere. They might also get info like demographics and past purchases to show you targeted ads on other websites.

​d. Professional Advisors: We share info with advisors like lawyers, financial advisors, etc., during corporate deals or managing our business.

​e. Legal Disclosure and Law Enforcement: We might share your info if we think it's necessary to follow the law, protect rights, safety, or investigate illegal activities.

​f. Merger, Sale, or Asset Transfers: If we're involved in things like mergers, sales, or transitions, your info might be part of that and transferred or sold. We try to make sure the new owner uses your info as per this Privacy Policy.

​Remember, these are simplified descriptions. The actual details and specifics might vary based on legal and contractual requirements.


6. Managing Your personal information / Opt-out

​You're in control of how we contact you. If you don't want to hear from us, you can say so. If you previously agreed to us using your info but change your mind, you can tell us to stop by emailing Just know, even if you opt-out, we might still gather info about your activities on our site or from ads on other sites, but it won't be used for personalized ads.

​a. Email. You can unsubscribe from email, text and phone communications at any time. If you would like to opt-out of receiving marketing via email, click the unsubscribe link on the footer of marketing emails. We will process your request within a reasonable time after receipt, in accordance with applicable laws. Camfreys will continue to send you non promotional, service emails concerning your account, such as emails relating to available upgrades, billing and payment information, outstanding balance on your account, and other emails relating to your account and/or your use of the Site.

​b. Direct Mail: If you don't want to get mail from us, email us at

​c. Account: You can change your Camfreys account info anytime by logging in. If you want to delete your account, email us at

​d. “Do Not Track”: Some web browsers have a setting called Do Not Track (DNT) that tells websites you don't want your browsing info collected. We respect this setting. But if you choose not to provide certain info or use privacy features in your browser, you might not get access to all features or content on our site.

​e. To manage cookies on your computer, adjust your browser settings. But for mobile devices, cookie-based opt-outs might not work well. On mobile apps, you can often opt-out of certain ads in your device settings. There are websites where you can opt-out of targeted ads from our data and advertising partners. You can find these options at Google Analytics at Remember, if you want to opt-out on different devices or browsers, you'll need to do it separately for each one.

​f. Where allowed by the law, you have certain rights regarding your personal info. You can ask if we have your info, get access to it, and request corrections or deletions if it's wrong or processed improperly according to your country's data privacy laws. You can email us at or follow the methods in this Privacy Policy to make these requests. Include your full name, email tied to your account, and details about what you're asking for. We'll handle these requests based on local laws. While we'll try our best to give you access to your info, there might be situations where we can't, like if it involves legal issues, others' privacy, or if the effort is too much compared to the risk to your privacy or our business. If we restrict access, we'll explain why and offer a contact for more questions. We'll also verify your identity before making any changes to protect your privacy.


7. Security & Retention​

We take the security of your personal info seriously. We have measures in place—like physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards—to protect it. We use secure technology for payments and encrypt your info when sent over the internet. But remember, no method is 100% foolproof. While we do our best to keep your info safe, we can't guarantee absolute security.

By using our Services or giving us your info, you agree that we can contact you electronically about security, privacy, and administrative matters related to our Services. If there's a security breach, we'll try to notify you through the Services or by email. Sometimes, legal requirements might need us to keep your info for a longer period than usual. When we no longer need it, we'll dispose of it as per our data retention policies and the law.


8. Children’s Privacy

Our Services are meant for users aged 13 and above. If you're below this age or don't meet the minimum age required in your area, please don't use our Services. We don't knowingly collect info from children under 13. If you find that your child has given us their info without your permission, email us at If we find out we have info from a child under 13 (or under 16 in certain places like EU countries), we'll delete it ASAP and close their account unless we get verifiable consent from a parent.


9. Additional Topics

​a. Payment Processors: When you buy something from us, a third-party payment service may collect your payment details. They follow their own terms and privacy policies. If you use financing through our partners, they'll handle your info based on their terms and policies. However, our handling of any info we get from these transactions follows our Privacy Policy. For more details on our partners, email us at

​b. International Data Transfers: Your info may be stored and processed anywhere worldwide, including places like the US or the European Union. By giving us your info, you're agreeing to this.

​c. Third-Party Sites and Services: Our Service might have links to other websites. These sites are not managed by us, and we don't endorse or control them. We recommend checking the privacy policies of these sites and understanding their practices as we're not responsible for them. The cookies or info collected by these sites aren't under our control, so it's up to you to understand their policies.


10. Updating Privacy Policy:

​We might make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time. Please check back occasionally for updates. If you continue using our site after we make changes, it means you agree with the new terms. If we suspect a security breach concerning your info, we'll try to inform you.


11. Questions or Concerns:

​If you have any privacy-related questions or thoughts, email us at We'll do our best to address your concern

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